(423) 280-6779 


    Play 12 rounds of golf in one year.   Win prizes and money throughout the year for various events.   Establish an average which will place you in 1 of 7 brackets.   The #1 player in each bracket at the end of the year will receive a $50 gift certificate before the point system is used.   Then a point based system will be used to determine the players for the final tournament once the league year is over.   The final tournament will be for the top 50% in each bracket or up to 10 players total in the bracket.   This tournament is played for flight money and is payed for.  Players can join and play in the league whenever they wish just as long as they are finished with their 12 rounds before the Division year ends.   Below is everything in more detail...


If you are a 71.6 or more then you move to bracket B.   Brackets B through G do not go by decimals.   Your average is not rounded up or down.   An 81.6 or an 81.3 is still considered 81.

(A) 71.5-BETTER       
(B) 75 -72                   
(C) 76-80                   
(D) 81-85                   
(E) 86-90                   
(F) 91-100                 

Each Flight will have the same money based on amount of players.   The top 5 positions will get paid as follows:

10-20 players
        21-40 players             41 -70 players
$140                                  $230                           $300
$130                                  $185                            $230
$120                                  $155                             $220
$110                                   $130                            $150
$100                                  $100                            $100

  There is also a $50 gift card to every player who ends up in the #1 spot in their bracket based off of their average at the end of the season before the point based system is put in effect.

 .   Play in the Division of your choice.   In the first year of league you must play all the courses in your Division.  If there is not 12 courses then you can play a course twice to make up for the difference.   So, if there is only 7 courses in your Division, you can play 5 of those courses twice.   On the second year and on, you may choose to play any courses you wish up to 3 times anywhere there is an LGTA course.   So in other words, if you wanted to you could play 4 courses 3 times each to equal your 12 rounds.   No matter how you choose to play, no course shall be played more than 3 times.   You can find a list of all the courses on the Division info and Activity page.   No matter where you play your courses starting the second year your average still goes towards your Division.   If you are in more than one Division and are in the second year on both just let us know which Division that round is going towards.

 .   You may elect to play more than one Division if you wish.   To do this you must pay the additional Division fee and you must play that Divisions selected courses for the first year.   This way you can establish an average for that Division.   Then on the following year you may choose to play different courses for and count them towards that Division.

 .   You must follow the rules of eligibility that is explained on the prizes and rules page.

 .   You must either send an email (listing your name, what league and Division you are in, date, time, driving distance and course played) to your Division rep , a sign up form sheet or call your Division Rep or the Division Manager each time you play your round that you want to count for the league.   This must be done prior to your round being played or it will not count.   After you have finished all 12 rounds and turned in your scorecards with your receipts these will be verified with your emails that you sent saying the days you are playing.   All scorecards must be turned in within two weeks after Division start date.   If any of these do not match up then you will be terminated from the LGTA

 .   You have a whole year to play your 12 rounds.

 .   You will establish an average through the year which will determine your bracket in your Division.   This can fluctuate throughout the year until all 12 rounds have been completed.   Your average can also change year after year.
   Your position in the bracket will be based off of your average until the end of the Division year.   Then after the randomly selected holes are announced and the points are established, your position could change in the bracket.   The final position in the brackets are based off of points.

 .   A point system will determine your final position in the bracket.   I will be scoring 7 out of 18 holes.   I will choose these holes by using a random number generated system.   This will be done within a month after the Division year is up.   These holes that are chosen will be the same 7 holes for all 12 courses for the whole year.

 .   There will be a final tournament after the year is over for the top 50% in each bracket up to 10 players total in each bracket.   There will be 2 different flights in the tournament.   Flight 1 is brackets A-E and Flight 2 is brackets F-G.   Flight 1 will be handicapped and Flight 2 will use the point based system.
  This is a free tournament to these players.

 .   If there is a tie, the tie breaker will be determined by going to the first par 3, 4 and 5 on the scorecard and adding up the points.   If it is still tied then will we move on to the next par 3, 4 and 5 and continue doing this till there is a winner.

 .   Since there are brackets for every level of player, here is the point system that will be used:

3 OVER-                    .25 PTS
2 OVER -                  .50 PTS
1 OVER -                   .75 PTS       
PAR -                            1  PT          
BIRDIE-                      2  PTS      
EAGLE-                       3  PTS
D. EAGLE-                 4  PTS
HOLE IN ONE-        5  PTS

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