(423) 280-6779 

Members only League

 . $75 for first year then $60 from then on
 .Only members of a golf course can participate
 .Play 12 rounds at your course
 .You can find the courses used on the Division Info/Activity page
 .Establish an LGTA average
 .Win prizes through the year for various events
 .For rules/eligibility click here.

 .Free final tournament at the end of the year for top 50% players in each
  bracket or up to ten players total per bracket.

                   (A) 71.5- Better 
                   (B) 72-80                 
                   (C) 81-90                

      Only the top 50% in each bracket up to 10 players in the bracket will be able to participate in the tournament. The final tournament will be handicapped. For more info on the handicap rule
click here.

Payout is based on amount of players in tournament:

10-15 players
         16 -25 players         25-30 players
  $150                         $200                        $250
  $130                         $180                        $230
  $100                         $150                        $200
                                   $125                        $175
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