(423) 280-6779 

Regular League Play 
 . $75 for first year then $60 year then on
 . $50 for each additional Division
 . Anyone can participate
 . Play 12 rounds of golf in 1 year
 . Play up to 12 different courses. You can find these Divisions on the
   Division Info/Activity page
 . Play in as many Divisions as you wish
 . Establish your LGTA average
 . Win prizes through the year for various events
 . Free final tournament at the end of the year for the top 50% players in 
   each bracket but not to exceed 10 players from each bracket. Two
   different flights: Flight 1(A-E)   Flight 2 (F-G)
 . For rules/eligibility click here.

How it works:
     Play 12 rounds of golf during the year establishing an average along the way. Be placed in one of 7 different brackets based off your average at the end of the year:

     (A) 71.5 or less                (D) 81-85             
     (B) 72-75                          (E) 86-90          
     (C) 76-80                          (F) 91-100        
                                               (G) 101-more     
     The top 50% players in each bracket but not to exceed 10 players from each bracket will play in the final tournament. This is a paid for tournament. The tournament will be handicapped for Flight 1. For detailed info on the handicap rule click here. As for Flight 2, they will be based off of a point based system. For detailed info on the point based system click here.
Payouts are for top five positions in each Flight (based on amount of players in tournament). Payouts are as follows:

10-20 players        21-40 players               41 -70 players
$130                                 $200                            $300
$110                                 $180                            $280
$100                                 $170                            $270
$90                                   $160                            $260
$80                                   $150                            $250

 .You must play all courses in that Division for the first year. If there is not
  12 courses then choose one of the courses to play twice. No course
  shall be played more than twice.
 .From the second year and on, you can play any course you wish
  anywhere in the U.S. just as long as LGTA is using that course. You
  must play a minimum of 4 different courses but still play 12 rounds.

     **For more detailed info click here**
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